Page 2967 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 30 June 2010

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What we have seen here today is Katy Gallagher, the Treasurer, trying to justify an unjustifiable increase in tax. What that increase in tax will do in relation to housing alone—you do not have to look anywhere else—is raise the cost of every dwelling built in a multi-unit development, depending on where you are, by tens of thousands of dollars. What the industry is wanting to know is, when this clicks over tomorrow, when the financial year changes tomorrow, what is the regime going to be? How long—

Ms Gallagher: They know that, Vicki.

MRS DUNNE: Well, if they know, why is it so hard for you to answer? If they know, why is there a problem with Mr Seselja’s motion? If the minister thinks that the community knows, why is it so hard for this minister to deal with Mr Seselja’s motion, and why was it necessary for Mr Seselja to bring this motion forward? It was necessary to bring this motion forward simply because the community is saying to us, “We do not know what the regime will be tomorrow, and we do not know how long that regime will be in place. We do not know what the situation is and we do not know how long that regime will be in place.”

We discussed this in the party room this morning, and we actually thought that this would not take very long, because it would be straightforward. It is simply asking for information. If only the minister could bring herself just to provide it, without going through all this fancy stuff about always having to object, always having to amend and put her spin on things. Simply provide the information that the community is calling for! This is why we are here today—because the community is telling us that they need the information, but you are not prepared—

Ms Gallagher: You are getting more than you asked for.

Ms Hunter: It is all about information.

MRS DUNNE: The little mean girls natter in the corner—if you would just zip it for a moment, because you have had your turn.

Members interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Dunne has the floor.

MRS DUNNE: It would be really much better for the community if the Treasurer could just come to the party and provide them with the information that Mr Seselja has asked for, without all the fancy footwork of having to change things to suit her. What we actually have to do is to provide the community with certainty.

What we have seen—and Mr Seselja spoke about this—is people trying to get in and get valuations done before the end of this financial year. Every time you do this and make these changes and not give people certainty, people end up spending time forcing things through, trying to get in before deadlines, and people usually get it wrong. That is where we are going to get into trouble.

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