Page 2866 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 30 June 2010

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In my very strong view, this legislation is a proportional response. I believe that, through the work I have done with the Greens, it does address all the substantive concerns that can be addressed if we are going to put this proportional response in. I very strongly urge members of the Assembly to consider the consequences if we do not implement this legislation. If they have any questions about those consequences—Mr Stanhope, if you do have a question about the consequences, I suggest that you take the time after this debate has finished to have a conversation with Ms Ryan, sit down with her and discuss the implications of not introducing this legislation. She will tell you quite significant ones about how her human rights have been impinged.

Clause 8 agreed to.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Mr Hargreaves): Is it the wish of the Assembly to take clauses 9 and 10 together?

Mrs Dunne: Sorry, Mr Assistant Speaker.

Mr Hanson: Hang on. Wait a second; we are opposing that.

Mrs Dunne: Mr Assistant Speaker, could I ask you to recommit the vote on clause 8 because we were proposing to omit clause 8.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: With respect, Mrs Dunne, the vote has actually been concluded. If you wish to do that, I think you need to move a motion to have it recommitted.

Motion (by Mrs Dunne) agreed to, with the concurrence of an absolute majority:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent the vote on clause 8 from being called on again.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: I will now recommit the vote on clause 8.

Clause 8 negatived.

Clauses 9 and 10, by leave, taken together.

MR STANHOPE (Ginninderra—Chief Minister, Minister for Transport, Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Minister for Business and Economic Development, Minister for Land and Property Services, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs and Minister for the Arts and Heritage) (11.14): This will be my last intervention in relation to the unhappy—

Mrs Dunne: I suppose it will be graceless as usual.

MR STANHOPE: No, I am being graceful. This will be my last intervention in relation to the unhappy genesis of this particular bill, but I need to correct the record following Ms Bresnan’s last comments about government.

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