Page 2811 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 June 2010

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MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: The question is whether or not the Chief Minister wishes to table those documents.

MR STANHOPE: It is a private paper and I do not intend to table it.

Mr Seselja: Well, he’s moving the motion, I think, under standing order 213.

Mrs Dunne: He is moving the motion.

MR STANHOPE: Well, move it then.

Mr Seselja: He’s moved it.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: No. Excuse me, members, I am just taking some advice from the—

Mr Smyth: You do that, Mr Assistant Speaker.

Mr Seselja: Thank you, Mr Assistant Speaker.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Members, I am advised that the member requesting the tabling, once a minister has indicated he is not prepared to do so, needs to move a substantive motion to get the minister to do that and the Assembly has to then agree. If the Assembly does agree then we will see what happens after that. Mr Coe.

Mr Coe: I am happy to move that substantive motion.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: What was that exactly?

Mr Coe: That the document regarding the tree plantings and the inputs over the last 10 or 15 years or so be tabled.

MR STANHOPE: I have the attachment that I referred to. I am more than happy to table the attachment if it would satisfy the Liberals. I am not prepared to table all the documents, which were private, and private to me, but I will table the numbers that I quoted.

Mr Hanson: It doesn’t matter whether they’re private or not. He’s got to table them.

Mrs Dunne interjecting—

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Members, excuse me. Would you like to keep your opinions to yourself for a second? Mr Coe, Mr Stanhope has offered to table certain documents. Is that sufficient for you or do you wish to proceed with the substantive motion?

MR COE (Ginninderra) (9.30): I would like to proceed with the motion. I move:

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