Page 2662 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 June 2010

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about. I cannot understand why the Liberal Party have a problem with ensuring that those with the most urgent conditions get access to theatre first and that there is an audit process to ensure that those decisions are correct.

Mrs Dunne: The problem is that you said it did not happen. The problem is you misled the Assembly.

MS GALLAGHER: No, I did not mislead the Assembly, Mrs Dunne. I did not. Because the question—

Opposition members interjecting—

MS GALLAGHER: Look, I cannot help it if your tactics—

MR SPEAKER: Order! Ms Gallagher, one moment please. Stop the clocks, thank you. The wall of sound is not an appropriate way to conduct this debate. Ms Gallagher.

MS GALLAGHER: I cannot help it if your tactics group did not ask the right questions of me. You did not come in here and say, “Do ACT Health approach doctors around the correct categorisation of their patients?” You did not. Your problem is that you jumped straight to the negative. You jumped straight to the point that you think you want to get to without the evidence, and you asked, “Did ACT Health approach doctors to downgrade their patients?” They do not do that.

Mr Seselja: And they did.

MS GALLAGHER: They do not do that, Zed. They do not do that without another process going forward around the audit—

Mrs Dunne: They do not do it directly; they do it indirectly.

Mr Hanson: So they do do it. They do do it.

Mr Smyth: They do do it.

MS GALLAGHER: They do not do it. What you do not understand—

Mr Hanson: You misled.

MS GALLAGHER: No, I did not mislead, Mr Hanson. I did not mislead. You have misled by accusing me of misleading. I did not.

Opposition members interjecting—

MS GALLAGHER: I did not. My statements in this place, and I have gone through them, are correct. Mr Speaker, the question the Liberals asked me last week was, “Do ACT Health approach doctors to downgrade their patients?” That is not what ACT Health do. Yes, ACT Health manage an audit process of their lists. Yes, ACT Health make sure that patients are appropriately classified in their category to ensure that

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