Page 2576 - Week 06 - Thursday, 24 June 2010

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• provides information about supports that might be of assistance to the individual;

• enables Disability ACT to gather information about unmet need to inform future service planning and allocation processes;

• enables the ACT Government to be informed about the services that people are asking for that Disability ACT is not able to provide; and

• enables Disability ACT to identify people who have urgent needs.

Further information about Disability ACT’s assistance to school leavers including the Registration of Interest form and policy, 2010 School Leavers Referral Form, Information Sheet and Future Planning Information Sheet are available on the Disability ACT website.

Information about the Commonwealth Government’s employment service for people with disabilities requiring long term support to obtain and maintain open employment is available on the Department of Employment and Work place Relations website.

(4) In addition to the support outlined in Question 3, the Department of Education and Training advise:

• Black Mountain School has a functional curriculum that specifically targets the acquisition of skills for successful post-school life. Every student at Black Mountain has a Future Action Plan developed as a part of the Individual Learning Plan process.

• Post-school information sessions are held every term for parents and carers. The school offers vocational training opportunities for students in Horticulture and is developing specific training in Sustainability. Recently the school has taken on the operation of a canteen at a local primary school. This initiative assists students in developing industry-standard skills in preparation for post-school employment.

Disability ACT

Disability ACT holds information sessions at Black Mountain School each year to outline the assistance available to students and their families in planning their post school life as well as the process for their needs to be considered and resources allocated.

Meetings have already been held at Black Mountain School this year and information provided to this year’s and next year’s school leavers.

All families of graduating students are provided with an information pack outlining the process to access formal supports, what can be expected in relation to any assessment of their needs, time frames and general information about planning.

Disability ACT officers also attend the students’ Individual Learning Planning meetings at Black Mountain School to assist in providing specific information and making appropriate referrals to services and supports that may be of assistance to the student and their family.

(5) There are a number of mechanisms to monitor the achievement of student’s future plans:

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