Page 2268 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 23 June 2010

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I think it is worth reminding members of the nature of the investment in infrastructure upgrades and investment in infrastructure that just a single department pursues in an average year. I go through just the works completed last year by TAMS: the west Belconnen school access road and amenity improvements, $1.3 million; Fyshwick stormwater augmentation, $3.6 million; stormwater improvements at Weetangera, Deakin and Fyshwick, $3.4 million; improvements to public transport infrastructure on certain routes, $334 million; roads and bridges on Northbourne Avenue and Oakes Estate, $2.3 million; Lakeside Leisure Centre refurbishment, $3.6 million; Canberra Olympic pool, replacement of dome, $1.9 million; Crace Road intersection, $2.4 million; Lanyon Drive—a single-lane road that I think the Liberals built that we had to duplicate—

Mr Hanson: How big is the deficit, Jon?

MR STANHOPE: $4.3 million; predator-free fence at Mulligans Flat, $1.1 million; rehabilitation of Cotter pavement, $2.9 million—

Mr Coe: What about Gungahlin Drive?

MR STANHOPE: Duplication of Athllon Drive—duplicating another road—$2.02 million; bus lanes, $650,000; Cotter Road pavement, $490,000; Acton temporary car park, $1.8 million; Harrison primary school access road, $4.1 million; Moore Street health building upgrade, $3.3 million—

Mr Seselja: How many years has it taken to build—

MR STANHOPE: ACT no waste signage, $500,000; weed eradication program, $260,000. (Time expired.)

Opposition members interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Order, members! Ms Porter has the call. Before she asks her question, I would like to remind members of the opposition that calling questions across the chamber while the Chief Minister speaks is not acceptable. You should wait until the opportunity for supplementary questions comes up. I call Ms Porter.

MS PORTER: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, what other key capital projects have been delivered by TAMS over the years?

MR STANHOPE: With respect to other significant projects, once again I reiterate that if one goes back just to the Hansard of yesterday’s debate—

Mr Smyth: Go back to no waste by 2010. Tell us about the sign. Is it a big sign?

MR STANHOPE: a one-hour debate participated in by the Greens and the Liberals, and see if you can determine just a skerrick of understanding—

MR SPEAKER: Chief Minister, one moment please. Stop the clocks. I just spoke to members of the opposition. Mr Smyth, you are warned for calling questions across the chamber. I asked you not to do it.

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