Page 1892 - Week 05 - Thursday, 6 May 2010

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We stand for families; we stand for business; we stand for opportunity; and we stand for values. This is our calling as a party and as people. We will not back away from those values—not for political gain, not from personal pressure: not now, not ever.

This government has failed those families. You have failed to provide and protect our schools, closing 23 and conning many communities into believing there was hope. And as a parting slap in the face, you made it a joke yesterday, saying that it was easier to close a school than chop down a tree. You failed in our healthcare system, bullying your staff into silence and leaving sick people waiting at the door while you jetted around the world. You failed the basics of keeping our streets safe and our footpaths clean. All over this city, Canberrans are seeing the weeds grow unchecked, the parks lie unkempt, our city centre unsafe. For all the talk of the tiny programs listed in the budget, all the revenue raised and all the money spent, that is what the results are in our streets and our suburbs.

This budget is another wasted opportunity, another tax grab, another spending marathon and another kick in the teeth for Canberra families. This budget fails our finances, fails our families and fails this territory.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Mr Hargreaves): Order, members! It is not appropriate behaviour to clap in the chamber, thank you. If you want to clap, please go outside and do it and have a love-in outside. This is not the place for a love-in, members.

Ms Gallagher: Yes, the boys are very excited.

Mr Barr: Watch out, Zed; your head might explode.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Order, members! Thank you.

Ms Gallagher: The boys are very excited. Go and get a big boy hug now.

Mr Stanhope: Kissy, kissy.

Ms Gallagher: Off for coffee.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Order! The government side will come to order!

Mr Hanson: Didn’t anyone clap you, Jon?

Mr Seselja: I wanted to clap but no-one else would clap.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Mr Hanson! Mr Seselja, do not tempt me. You are on a warning already. Do not, please, tempt me. Mr Hanson, the same goes for you.

MS HUNTER (Ginninderra—Parliamentary Convenor, ACT Greens) (3.07): Every year at budget time we hear about getting the balance right, prioritising, and making choices. Indeed, there are only very limited resources and for years now the Greens

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