Page 1885 - Week 05 - Thursday, 6 May 2010

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But it gets worse. Not only does the budget slug homebuyers, it slams car drivers as well. This budget announces increases in parking fees of 30 per cent. That means for those working in the city it will cost—

Mr Stanhope: What would you have done?

MR SESELJA: He really does not like hearing about this budget. It is perhaps because he does not have confidence in his Treasurer. For those working in the city, it will cost $55 per week, every week, just to park. I know Katy Gallagher will tell them all to get on the bus, in a news flash, to force people out of their cars and into public transport but that shows just how out of date this government is. For all those families in the suburbs, that is simply not a viable option. I find it galling that it is always those individuals who live in inner suburbs and have free car parks who cry the loudest and who attack the families in Tuggeranong, Gungahlin, Belconnen and Weston Creek and tell them to catch the bus and tell them that their parking prices are going to be jacked up.

There are other examples of issues identified that have not been addressed in this budget, such as childcare. Due to our high participation rate in all sectors of the economy, we have an unusually high demand on the childcare sector; yet this sector is woefully supported. Ms Burch does not even know where the childcare needs are or what services are available to assist them. This is an appalling abrogation that must be addressed, and we have put forward an idea to do so, which I will speak to later in this speech.

But those three elements, a massive new tax on homes, a massive new slug on cars and a total ignorance of childcare issues, show just how out of touch this budget and the policies and priorities of this government are. Homes, cars, childcare are all taxed or ignored. This is not a budget for the times; it is not a budget for growth; it is a budget that attacks families in the suburbs.

The budget itself has many other examples of misguided priorities. Funding for business and industry development programs in 2010-11 will be reduced by $4.8 million. Tourism, the biggest private sector industry in the ACT, has been virtually ignored. The only spending appears to be $1.9 million for Floriade and Floriade’s Nightfest.

The commitment to reform of ACTION is as late as some of the services. The timeliness and customer satisfaction of ACTION services have not only failed to meet the 2009-10 targets but have also been in decline from 2008-09 levels. The ACTION bus service is going backwards. Revenue from fares continues to provide only 20 per cent of operating costs, with more than $77.3 million coming from the government subsidy.

The percentage of roads in good condition has slipped to 88 per cent. Despite the traffic bottlenecks at the moment, the government has failed to keep pace with its own targets for road resurfacing. Progress is occurring at just over half the target pace, and well short of previous years.

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