Page 1702 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 4 May 2010

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To improve the amenity and safety of our city, more than $22 million over four years has been allocated for additional repairs and maintenance. Improvements will also be made to Lake Ginninderra facilities including playground and picnic areas and path lighting with $1.3 million in funding.

The new Gungahlin Library will be established with funding of $2.9 million over four years for new stock and improved provision of Internet access.

Mr Speaker, through this Budget the ACT Government is continuing its approach of maintaining an environment that supports local jobs and businesses.

To support future industrial land release, this Budget provides $130,000 for technical investigations into commercial and industrial land supply options, including in the Eastern Broadacre area.

Funding of $403,000 over four years is provided to streamline development and environmental assessment and approvals processes, national licensing of tradespeople and development of a National Construction Code. This work is being undertaken as part of the COAG national seamless economy reforms.

Mr Speaker, supporting local jobs continues to be a priority, with additional funding of $210,000 over two years provided to help promote information sharing, and collaborative approaches to skills and future workforce issues in the Territory.

This Budget also includes $1.8 million to support Canberra’s growing digital media, film and television production industry through an ACT Film Industry Fund.

Community Safety and Justice

As Canberra’s population continues to grow, so too does the need for enhanced law enforcement and justice services.

Mr Speaker, in this Budget we are investing $5.1 million over four years to provide an additional 10 police officers to strengthen enforcement of liquor licensing, and also introducing a risk-based approach and mandatory Responsible Service of Alcohol training. These initiatives support law and order reforms and will make our entertainment precincts safer.

To improve road safety, $4.1 million over four years will fund an Automated Number Plate Recognition team. This establishes an ACT Policing team to identify unregistered, uninsured or stolen vehicles. Around 40 per cent of fatal collisions in the ACT involve either an unregistered car or an unlicensed driver.

Further road safety programs are funded, including point to point speed cameras with $1.4 million.

The ACT Ambulance Service is supported, with $5.1 million over four years for additional clinical support and communication centre staff. The initiative will improve emergency service response times.

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