Page 1694 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 4 May 2010

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The Expenditure Review and Evaluation Committee provided advice to the Government and we will continue its function in reviewing our budget processes going forward.

Mr Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to thank those ACT Public Servants in our agencies and departments who worked on the savings task and assisted the Expenditure Review and Evaluation Committee.

The public service has shown great leadership and innovation in approaching the savings task with the community front-and-centre in mind. Through their creativity and engagement in the process, we have been able to ensure minimal impact on services as a result of the savings task.

Mr Speaker, in this Budget we have set new targets to reflect our changed circumstances.

We are bringing forward our return to surplus target by two years to 2013-14. We have done this because our economy is recovering, our revenues are increasing and we are exercising strong budget management to drive efficiencies in Government spending.

Over the past 12 months we have driven our savings task and achieved $48 million worth of savings towards our target.

We have now reset our targets and incorporated revised savings over the forward estimates that have a reduced impact on the community and the services we deliver. Around two thirds of the savings required to return the budget to surplus are incorporated in this Budget. The remaining savings will be achieved in future budgets.

Savings will be achieved through a number of targeted actions including the application of an efficiency dividend across government, wages restraint, reduction in the provision for unforseen expenditure (Treasurer’s advance) which has been mitigated through our substantial investment in services growth, and the deferral of the street tree planting program.

We are introducing some limited increases to fees and charges in this Budget. Parking fees will increase, in line with our objectives to encourage a shift to alternative modes of transport. We are also increasing some of our regulatory activities and corresponding fees to cover these costs. Additional revenue is expected through improved compliance with the Change of Use Charge.

In returning the Budget to surplus, the Government remains committed to preserving and enhancing priority services to the community.

Mr Speaker, this is a Budget that provides for modest new spending to meet the needs of our growing community. However, our budget maintains fiscal restraint in an environment of flat underlying revenue.

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