Page 1352 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 24 March 2010

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the discussions remain confidential, the Chief Minister himself said, “That’s fine at this point in time, but we will answer questions in the Assembly if they are asked, and people need to know that the confidentiality is made on that basis.” So, the minute the question was asked, the information came out.

There was not a great deal to say at that point. A letter had merely been sent off to the archbishop and we were awaiting his response. But we were very clear that we would be up-front with the Assembly, particularly if we were asked a question. I could have chosen to answer Mrs Dunne’s question in a particular way like, “Early discussions are occurring,” and left it at that. But I did provide more information, because I understand the public interest in this. I am more than happy to provide the analysis and details of the proposal.

The proposed price, for example, has not yet been determined; the duration of a sublease has not been determined; governance and management arrangements have not been determined. We have not even got to that point. Officials have been speaking and meeting to try and progress this, but none of that detail can be provided today, because it is simply too early.

In relation to correspondence with stakeholders, I am happy to provide the letter to the archbishop that we have written. I thought we already had, but if we have not, I am happy to provide that. I will get my office to do that. I would be very surprised if that letter is not already in the hands of the opposition.

Mr Hanson: I assure you it’s not, Ms Gallagher, I assure you.

MS GALLAGHER: Gee, your networks are breaking down there.

Mrs Dunne: So you just accuse everybody else of bad faith.

Mr Hanson: I assure you it’s not.

MS GALLAGHER: Your networks are breaking down there.

Mr Seselja: It’s all a conspiracy, Katy; it’s all a conspiracy.

MS GALLAGHER: Anyway, I am happy to provide that letter. I am happy to provide all the detail that we can around Calvary Public Hospital. But I think the opposition needs to understand that what we are trying to do here is build a new public hospital and a new private hospital on the Belconnen site. That is actually what the parties are seeking to do. Little Company of Mary want to do that. The government want to do that. We want to be able to invest in the health infrastructure that our community needs, and we need to do it in a way that our budget can support. They are the issues for the government.

This is not, as the opposition would like to have it, some ideological pursuit by the government. Although our preferred option was to manage and own the building, that option is not going to be pursued. The fact that Little Company of Mary would remain as operators is something that the government are very happy about. We have had a

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