Page 1275 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 23 March 2010

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ACT Labor will ensure that the Greens MLAs are accorded party status, including formal recognition … Convenor and Whip. ACT Labor agrees that it shall commit to provide the Greens with staffing resources for three cross-bench Members and staffing equivalent to 1.5 of a cross-bench Member for the Greens’ parliamentary convenor.

Ms Gallagher: Still not as much as you get, Brendan. Nowhere near as much as you and Zed get.

Mr Seselja: That is all Meredith wanted. She wanted more than Brendan and less than me.

MR SMYTH: This made fundamental changes and it cost the taxpayers money.

Ms Gallagher: You’ve got more than all of them, and you are hardly ever at work.

MR SMYTH: It goes on to say, under “Committees and Other Roles in the Assembly”:

ACT Labor will support the Greens’ nominations for Chairs of the following Committees:

i) Public Accounts Committee

ii) Health, Community and Social Services …

Mr Seselja: How many weeks are you taking on holidays in the next couple of months?

MR SMYTH: It says:

iii) Climate Change, Environment and Water

iv) Select Committee on Ecological Carrying Capacity for the ACT and region …

Ms Gallagher: I am having four weeks off, Zed—four weeks in nine years.

Mr Seselja interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Order, members! Ms Gallagher! Mr Seselja! Mr Smyth, one moment, please. Stop the clocks. Mr Seselja, Mr Smyth has the floor. I expect to hear him.

Mr Hanson: Do Meredith and Katy go on holiday together?

MR SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, please! It is your colleague who is speaking.

MR SMYTH: The agreement, on the front page, says:

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