Page 1171 - Week 03 - Thursday, 18 March 2010

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(2) When will the Women’s Information and Referral Centre begin undertaking measures to gather data for multicultural women attending their courses and adapt its Client Satisfaction Survey to enable collection of data for multicultural women.

(3) What promotion is currently undertaken to multicultural women to encourage their participation in the Register of Multicultural Advisers and how will this promotion be increased.

Ms Burch: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Women’s grants and services are promoted by direct contact with groups such as the Multicultural Women’s Advocacy, Women of Australian Mon Association Inc, Multicultural Youth Services ACT, and community services with multicultural programs. More broadly, the grants and services are promoted through:

The ACT Women website and the Community Calendar for Women;

The ACT Government Grants Portal;

Media release;

Community Development Network for the ACT (CDnet);

Women’s Services Network (WSACT) e-mail list;

The Canberra Times and community notice boards such as the Canberra Chronicle;

The Department’s stall at the combined Office for Women / Office for Ageing Sanctuary and the ACT Government Canberra Connect stall at the ACT Multicultural Festival;

ACT Ministerial Advisory Council on Women;

Through consultations for development of the ACT Women’s Plan, which included distribution of information sheets in a number of community languages such as Dinka (Sudanese);

International Women’s Day activities; and

ACT Government Online Community Noticeboard.

(2) The Women’s Information and Referral Centre (WiRC) Client Satisfaction Survey gathers client demographic information including: age, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status, cultural and linguistic diversity, marital status and postcode and cross-border information. The results for the 2009 survey indicated that 16% of clients who completed the survey spoke a language other than English at home.

The cultural background question is asked on all course/support group registration forms, evaluation forms and future courses information forms. It has been noted by WIRC that clients do not always supply information on cultural background.

(3) The Office of Multicultural Affairs promotes the Register of Multicultural Advisers (ROMA) through its e-community news service on a regular basis as well as through word of mouth promotion at regular community functions attended by Office staff.

The Office intends to actively encourage women to participate in ROMA this year with a targeted promotional campaign through organisations such as the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Support Service, Companion House and the Multicultural Womens Advocacy Service.

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