Page 691 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 24 February 2010
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not do is relevant right here in the ACT. What we have had so far, when he has been given the opportunity, is firstly a real demonstration of the fact that this government, this ACT Labor government, will never criticise their federal Labor mates. That has become crystal clear from Simon Corbell on one of the most monumental policy failures. He could not bring himself to acknowledge that this has been a serious policy failure that has implications. It has serious implications.
We have seen four deaths; we have seen a thousand electrified roofs; we have seen about 90 house fires—
Mr Corbell: None in the ACT.
MR SESELJA: He does not care about the house fires that have been linked to dodgy installation in the ACT, that are under investigation. Mr Corbell dismisses that as an issue. We see the frivolous manner in which he has handled that—so frivolous of course that he gave misleading information to the Assembly and he has since ducked and weaved; so frivolous that there were never any warnings to the community at large, to the consumer, that there are serious dangers with this insulation program.
He has treated this as a joke. It is not a joke. He has treated with contempt his responsibilities to be open with the community and the Assembly and for the safety of the community. And the minister, I think as we go on in this debate and as we look into this issue further, will face further questioning. I would say to the minister, and I think that the Assembly has sent a message, that we expect better. As much as Mr Corbell continues to laugh about it and think that this issue is a joke, as much as he continues to chortle away about this issue—we do take it seriously—and as we get constituents coming to us raising concerns, we will bring it to the attention of the minister or this Assembly so that action can be taken.
I would conclude on this: we would expect that our elected representatives in the government in the ACT would act in the best interests of all Canberrans. They should do it regardless of whether there is a federal Labor government or a federal Liberal government. That should not matter. If there are safety issues involved, they should give frank and fearless advice not just to the federal government but indeed to the community.
That does not appear to have happened in this case, and the Assembly has agreed, indeed, that that has not happened in this case. But the minister’s attitude, the minister’s ducking and weaving, the minister’s failure to give complete information and correct information reflect poorly on him. We expect that, as we go forward, he will be open about these issues and he will take his responsibilities to the community seriously, even if that means criticising his Labor colleagues such as Mr Garrett and Mr Rudd. It is a responsibility to the people of the ACT.
I thank members for their support. I thank the Greens for their support. I think we can move forward and get the documents. We have at least sent a message to this government that this minister’s performance on this issue to date has simply not been up to scratch. I thank members for their time.
Motion, as amended, agreed to.
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