Page 679 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 24 February 2010

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(e) that the ACT Government is currently developing an ACT energy policy that will seek to have some similar objectives to the Federal Government’s programs.”.

(2) Omit paragraphs (1)(f), (g) and (h).

(3) Omit paragraph (2), substitute:

“(2) calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) table all documents held by the ACT Government pertaining to the Commonwealth’s Home Insulation Program by the end of the first sitting day in March 2010;

(b) immediately implement a public awareness campaign on the dangers of poorly installed insulation and provide a mechanism on the Canberra Connect website for affected homeowners to get information about how to have their insulation inspected for safety;

(c) commit to extend the public promotion of the current ACT HEAT program and implement a broad public education campaign around the benefits of energy efficiency measures; and

(d) note the mistakes made by the Federal Government in rolling out energy efficiency and green energy programs in the development of the ACT energy policy.”.

MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Attorney-General, Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water, Minister for Energy and Minister for Police and Emergency Services) (8.20): This is one of those motions that are a great example of why the Assembly should not sit late on private members’ day. It is a lazy motion. It is a lazy motion from a lazy opposition. It is a lazy opposition that cannot think up any new political attacks of its own; so it just resorts to whatever is going on in the federal parliament up the road. It really does highlight the position. We have heard it from Mr Seselja; we have heard it from Mrs Dunne; and we have heard it from Mr Rattenbury—this extensive critique and commentary about the federal government’s program.

If they want to critique and commentate on the federal government’s program, I suggest that they go and stick their hands up for a seat in the federal parliament on the next date there is an election and see how they go. It is a lazy motion from a lazy Leader of the Opposition who does not have any ideas of his own. He has no ideas of his own. We heard the pontificating—

Opposition members interjecting—

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Ms Le Couteur): Members of the opposition, I am afraid I cannot hear Mr Corbell. Mr Corbell has the floor.

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