Page 5699 - Week 15 - Thursday, 10 December 2009

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around what other activities could be wrapped around the three days of the festival and, indeed, to continue the conversation over the longer time. The festival is a celebration of our multicultural community, but the conversation on multicultural matters does not just occur over the festival. So I am looking forward to working with the diplomatic corps and any one of our 200 multicultural groups within the ACT to extend that conversation over the full year.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Doszpot, a supplementary?

MR DOSZPOT: Minister, some time ago, in relation to the question that you have just tried to answer, you were asked a question about the indexation that you said was used to determine the new pricing on the stalls that would be used by the people within the Multicultural Festival. Can you please try to tell us again what you used to arrive at the new pricing, which is almost double the previous pricing?

MS BURCH: We have been through the participation policy before. Those community groups that are coming to undertake a commercial activity are, indeed, charged a small fee. For commercial providers who are undertaking a large commercial activity, the decision is for them. My understanding is that community groups are coming. They are enlisting; they are enrolling; they are seeking stalls. I do not see that we will have less community input this year than last year.

Mr Doszpot: Mr Speaker, the question was very specifically about the measure of indexation that was used in the pricing of the stalls. Would you ask the minister to come to the point of the question?

MR SPEAKER: Ms Burch, do you wish to resume?

MS BURCH: The person who asked the question also indicated that he had asked that previously and I had answered it.


MRS DUNNE: My question is to the minister for community services. Minister, yesterday, when asked about the Access Economics report and the impact the new childcare framework will have on the ACT, you referred to page 65 of the Access Economics report. Page 65 refers to the base case, that is if there is no COAG policy change. In other words, page 65 outlines what happens if there are no changes to the childcare framework. Minister, on which page of the report will I find information on the changes to the cost of childcare in the ACT as a result of the implementation of the new framework?

MS BURCH: I will find it and bring it back to you by close of business.

MR SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mrs Dunne?

MRS DUNNE: Yes, Mr Speaker. Minister, what legislative changes will be required in the ACT to implement the new framework and will you commit to tabling a regulatory impact statement when you table any legislation?

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