Page 5559 - Week 15 - Wednesday, 9 December 2009
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generating capacity in the ACT of 2.5 megawatts; so 2.5 megawatts of capacity is already installed. It is estimated that by the end of the first five-year period of the feed-in tariff regime there will be 27 megawatts of distributed solar generating capacity installed into the ACT grid. Twenty-seven megawatts is equivalent to the energy needs of about 9,000 houses.
Why would not the Liberal Party be interested in a regime that helps displace the energy needs of 9,000 houses? Is the answer to that question that they really do not believe in climate change? Does Mr Seselja endorse the view of his Liberal leader nationally that the science is unclear on climate change? Does he endorse the view of the new shadow minister for energy that climate change is a left-wing conspiracy?
Mrs Dunne: I raise a point of order, Madam Assistant Speaker.
MR CORBELL: That is the tenor that we are getting from those on the other side of the chamber—
MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Ms Le Couteur): Order! Mr Corbell! Clerk, please stop the clock.
Mrs Dunne: Mr Hargreaves asked a question about future and current generating capacity. He did not ask for his minister’s views about the federal opposition’s views. That would be out of order. Could the minister actually answer Mr Hargreaves’s question—because I would be interested in the answer.
Mr Hargreaves: On the point of order, Madam Assistant Speaker: Mrs Dunne did not hear the second part of the question. I wanted to know if there was anybody at home when the lights were turned on. Mr Corbell is talking about that.
MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Please start the clock again. Mr Corbell, please continue.
MR CORBELL: Thank you, Madam Assistant Speaker. Of course, I know the Liberal Party do not like the fact that there has been this massive shift to the right in their political organisation which now sees those people in charge of policies where they believe that climate change is a left-wing ideological conspiracy. Does Mr Seselja endorse that view? (Time expired.)
Mr Stanhope: I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.
Supplementary answers to questions without notice
Beryl refuge
MS BURCH: Yesterday Ms Hunter and Ms Bresnan asked some very important questions around availability of accommodation for women through refuges.
Opposition members interjecting—
MS BURCH: Clearly, those opposite have no interest in knowing about how this government provides support to women who are at risk of homelessness. During question time, Ms Hunter and Ms Bresnan asked me questions in relation to Beryl
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