Page 5193 - Week 14 - Wednesday, 18 November 2009
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MS BURCH: I think I need to say again that portable long service leave for workers is a worker’s entitlement that exists. Centres are responsible for long service leave. Centres are responsible for workers’ rights and entitlements, and that includes long service leave now. Portable long service leave supports the workers, which clearly you do not. It is around bringing sustainability to the workforce and to the sector.
MR SPEAKER: Mr Seselja, a supplementary question?
MR SESELJA: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Minister, will the government provide financial support to childcare centres which are forced to raise their fees as a result of the portability of long service leave policy?
MS BURCH: Because it is based on an assumption that I do not agree with, I think the response is that I do not agree with the assumption.
MR SMYTH: My question is to the Minister for Disability, Housing and Community Services and it relates to the provision of childcare in the ACT. Minister, yesterday you said, in respect of the portability of long service leave policy:
… when we introduced the long service leave provision last week, it was around increasing the workforce within childcare centres, therefore creating more spaces for participation.
Minister, have you received advice from your department to indicate that more jobs will be created in the childcare sector as a result of this policy? What was that advice and will you table it in the Assembly?
MS BURCH: Long service leave is around providing workers with their due entitlement that they can carry with them. It is a right for a good lot of the other sectors of workers nationally and in the ACT.
Again I go to your assumption that there is an increase in fees. I do not support that assumption. It is around sustainability in the workforce.
Opposition members interjecting—
MS BURCH: I have owned a childcare centre myself. I have operated a childcare centre myself.
Mr Smyth: But you’ve missed my question: did you get advice from your department?
Mrs Dunne: On whether there would be more jobs!
Mr Seselja: Did you hear the question?
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