Page 5035 - Week 13 - Thursday, 12 November 2009

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Business—development impact statements
(Question No 357)

Mr Seselja asked the Minister for Planning, upon notice, on 14 October 2009:

(1) Has the ACT Planning and Land Authority started undertaking small business impact statements for large new commercial developments; if not, when will this be implemented.

(2) How much will this policy initiative cost.

(3) Is this a firm commitment or an aspirational one.

Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Yes.

(2) Nil. For large commercial developments small business impact statements are currently submitted by the proponent as part of a development proposal.

(3) The Government is committed to ensuring the interests of small business are taken into account in the development approval process.

Planning—child friendly principles
(Question No 358)

Mr Seselja asked the Minister for Planning, upon notice, on 14 October 2009:

(1) How is the incorporation of UNICEF child-friendly planning principles into ACT planning guidelines progressing.

(2) Will these principles be incorporated into the development of future suburbs such as Wright, Sulman and Coombs.

(3) What consultation with the community has been conducted as part of this process.

(4) How much will it cost to implement this policy.

(5) Is this a firm commitment or an aspirational one.

Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Options are currently being developed.

ACTPLA is preparing a technical amendment to the Territory Plan for the existing Coombs and Wright Concept Plans. This will ensure that child-friendly planning principles are incorporated into these concepts plans, and set the standard for future concept plans for the Molonglo Valley.

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