Page 5033 - Week 13 - Thursday, 12 November 2009

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• the development of Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) legislation along the lines of that in place in the U.K;

• smart meters – a trial is currently underway. Smart meters provide consumers with greater information to make more informed decisions about energy consumption; and

• bringing forward implementation of NSEE measures, where appropriate for ACT.

A public consultation process on energy efficiency initiatives will be undertaken with the release of the draft Energy Policy in late 2009. This will also include an opportunity for interested members of the public to submit additional policies for consideration.

(2) The ACTSmart total cost is $19.1 million of which approximately $8.2 million will be directed towards energy efficiency programs and provision of advice.

The cost of implementing the CERT model of legislation is currently being analysed as the Government examines its potential introduction.

The full cost of introducing smart metering can only be assessed at the conclusion of the trial currently under way.

(3) Most of the policies implemented via the NSEE do not require legislative changes. New legislation will be required to introduce CERT arrangements. This is expected to be undertaken in the first half of 2010. Other legislative changes are not envisaged at this stage.

(4) It is expected there will be no significant additional regulatory burden placed on small businesses.

(5) The ACT Government is firmly committed to improving the energy efficiency of Canberra households, as evidenced by its adoptions of a goal of zero net emissions.

Environment—plastic bag levy
(Question No 352)

Mr Seselja asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water, upon notice, on 14 October 2009:

(1) Will the Minister introduce a levy on plastic bags in retailers; if so, when and how much will the levy be.

(2) How much revenue will the levy raise.

(3) What consultation will the Minister hold with retailers and other affected people prior to the introduction of such a levy.

(4) Is this a firm commitment or an aspirational one.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

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