Page 4532 - Week 12 - Thursday, 15 October 2009

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various care areas, including health professionals, family support workers and education providers. Subsection 863(2) is amended to provide that a care team for a child or young person can include someone who is responsible for coordinating or delivering a service or care to the child or young person, or his or her family members, in relation to the administration of a sentence or order under another territory law, such as the Crimes (Sentence Administration) Act 2005 or the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act 1994.

The Gaming Machine Act 2004, section 158, provides for the auditing of a licensee’s accounts in relation to the operation of gaming machines. Section 158 is amended by removing the requirement for smaller licensees who have an annual gaming machine revenue of less than $200,000 to have their gaming machine accounts audited. They will, however, still be required to provide the commission with certified income and expenditure statements for the financial year. The amendment also requires club membership information to be presented by class in the membership report if different classes of members exist.

Mr Speaker, a number of amendments have been made to the Gaming Machine Regulation 2004 to enhance the transparency of the voting process, including inserting new sections 22A and 22B. Section 22A provides for someone other than the secretary to exercise functions under sections 21 and 22, such as the vote counting function. Section 22B gives the commission a supervisory role in ensuring that the functions are exercised properly. An amendment to section 20 allows the club to recommend how members vote.

There are two minor amendments of the Medicines, Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Act 2008. Section 88(1) sets out the form that a licence to deal with a regulated substance or regulated therapeutic good must take. The first amendment makes it explicit that this licence must be in writing.

The second amendment of the act amends section 93, which deals with the requirement of a licence-holder to tell the Chief Health Officer about a change to anything stated in a licence to deal with a regulated substance or regulated therapeutic good or an application to amend the licence. The amendment substitutes a new section heading, to better reflect the operation of the section, and adds new section 93(1)(b).

The new paragraph requires a licence holder to tell the Chief Health Officer about any change to a material particular in the application for the licence that might affect the basis on which it was issued—for example, a change in the nominated individual for the supervision of dealings with regulated substances under the licence or to the security arrangements for the licensed premises.

The Public Sector Management Act 1994, section 56(1), is amended by replacing a reference to the approval of classifications under management standards with a reference to industrial agreements. This reflects the fact that classifications are now set out in industrial agreements. The dictionary definition of non-appealable promotion has also been updated for similar reasons.

Mr Speaker, schedule 1 also contains amendments to formalise certain provisions that were made under modification powers earlier in the year and which are due to expire

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