Page 4074 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 16 Sept 2009

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I emphasise “must”—

as soon as practicable after becoming aware of the event, tell the voting shareholders about the event.

It goes on to deal with what is significant. It is significant when interpreting in accordance with the accounting standard relating to materiality ordinarily used in Australia at the time, a document published by the corporation or subsidiary or a memorandum, and it goes on and on.

So it really is about compliance with the law. It really is about making sure that the government controls the organisations which it is responsible for—in this case, shareholders on behalf of the people of the ACT. It really is about making sure that we get this right.

The extraordinary exhibition today of lack of confidence in the ability of the Treasurer by the Labor Party in switching all responsibility and seeking to attempt to have Mr Corbell answer all the questions on this issue showed the lack of confidence the ALP have in their own Treasurer, or it truly revealed that there is more to come out on this issue. There are many questions to be answered here, Madam Assistant Speaker.

It is interesting to note that one of the answers yesterday was that they were estimates pending further work being done. It actually sounds like they were estimates pending all the work being done. The Treasurer said:

That work has been done and has been finalised, and those costs are now known as the final costs quite separate to estimates.

Well, that is interesting. I would have assumed that some work that got you close—at least into the ballpark—would have been more desirable. I do not think $145 million versus $363 million is in the ballpark.

There are a number of different pieces of correspondence that will be asked for and I will make some things quite clear: the shareholders wrote to the board. I think we need to see that letter. Ms Gallagher said yesterday, “We have received a response from the board.” I would be interested in seeing that letter. Ms Gallagher said that she can provide the data on the detail of the cost. Well, let’s see that as well. And there are a couple of other documents. Ms Gallagher said yesterday:

I have certainly done my job in terms of reviewing the evidence that Actew have put forward and taken advice from my own agency …

Let us see that data about their views on these costings and, indeed, the views of the independent reviewer. It would be good if that data was included in the documents that the Treasurer be requested to table. (Time expired.)

MR DOSZPOT (Brindabella) (3.33): The motion brought to us by Mrs Dunne today reinforces some of the issues covered yesterday during the matter of public importance debate concerning this government’s inability to manage and keep track of

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