Page 3474 - Week 09 - Thursday, 20 August 2009

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Mr Hanson: I withdraw.

Mr Smyth: Point of order. It is not on in this place for members to be allowed to speak to the point of order. You are gagging the member putting his case and making a decision before you hear what he has to say. That is outrageous.

Mr Corbell: Madam Assistant Speaker, that is a reflection upon the chair. You have made a ruling. Mr Smyth and Mr Hanson need to abide by your ruling. Mr Smyth has just accused you of gagging a member.

Mr Seselja: Now you are just wasting our time, Simon.

Mr Corbell: You cannot reflect upon the chair in that manner, Mr Smyth. You know so. You should apologise and withdraw.

Mr Seselja: You are just stalling.

Mr Corbell: I am not the one making these comments, Mr Seselja; your crew are.

Mr Hanson: Madam Assistant Speaker, I simply made the point that the ministerial code of conduct includes the requirement to tell the truth.

Mr Seselja: There is a sensitivity about that.

Mr Hanson: Mr Corbell would rather I did not make that comment.

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, there is no debate. I have made a ruling. I have asked you to withdraw, I am going to ask Mr Smyth to withdraw and I am going to ask people on the opposition side to stop interjecting and allow Ms Gallagher to make her statements in quiet.

Mr Hanson: I withdraw.

MS GALLAGHER: I listened in silence.

Mr Seselja: Sometimes you do; sometimes you don’t.

MS GALLAGHER: This time I did.


Mr Smyth: What?

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER: I have asked you to withdraw.

Mr Smyth: Withdraw what?


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