Page 3427 - Week 09 - Thursday, 20 August 2009

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Mr Stanhope: That is outrageous. I was not the author of the recommendation, the committee was.

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Dunne, I think you have to clarify your position.

MRS DUNNE: Mr Stanhope was the scribe, the person who physically wrote the report, and he seems to have forgotten that.

Mr Stanhope: I do not forget it at all. I remember it clinically. I remember it does not reflect my views.

MRS DUNNE: He does seem to have forgotten the views. At the time he made the point about how this was an inappropriate use of public service resources, he seems to have forgotten, or not had any credence—

Mr Stanhope: I made no such point, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Dunne, I do not think we can ascribe Mr Stanhope’s personal views to a committee report.

MRS DUNNE: I withdraw anything that may have offended the Chief Minister. I am not entirely sure what it is that offended the Chief Minister.

Mr Stanhope: It does not offend me at all; it just offends against the truth.

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Dunne, you might continue now.

MRS DUNNE: Thank you. This report, I think, is a measured and balanced response that takes into account the size of the resources of this Assembly. No-one has had a flight of fancy about establishing a large or new bureaucracy within the Legislative Assembly, which may have been a temptation for some people who would think that empire building may be a good thing within the Legislative Assembly. Overall, I think this is a good and measured response, and I commend the report to members of the Legislative Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mr Corbell) adjourned to the next sitting.

Report 2

MR SPEAKER: I present the following report:

Administration and Procedure—Standing Committee—Report 2—Latimer House Principles, dated 20 August 2009, together with a copy of the extracts of the relevant minutes of proceedings

MS BRESNAN (Brindabella) (10.22): I move:

That the report be noted.

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