Page 3224 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 18 August 2009

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Pursuant to section 17—Instrument varying appropriations relating to Commonwealth funding to ACT Health, including a statement of reasons, dated 29 June 2009.

Pursuant to section 19B—Instrument varying appropriations, including statements of reasons, related to—

Digital Education Revolution—Department of Education and Training, dated 25 June 2009.

Trade Training Centres in Schools, Early Childhood Education and Care and Digital Education Revolution—Department of Education and Training, dated 29 June 2009.

I seek leave to make a statement in relation to the papers.

Leave granted.

MS GALLAGHER: As required by the Financial Management Act, I table several instruments issued under sections 16B, 17 and 19B of the act. The direction and a statement of reasons for the above instruments must be tabled in the Assembly within three sitting days after it is given. These instruments for the 2008-09 financial year were signed in late June 2009. Section 17 of the FMA enables variations to appropriations to be amended for any increases in existing commonwealth payments by direction of the Treasurer. Following the receipt of additional funding from the commonwealth, ACT Health has been appropriated an additional $2.208 million for the Australian health care agreement. This instrument provides for that increase.

Section 19B of the act allows for an appropriation to be authorised for any new commonwealth grants provided to the territory, under agreement where no appropriation has been made in respect of those funds, by direction of the Treasurer. This package includes two Department of Education and Training instruments signed under section 19B, which were authorised following the receipt of new funding from the commonwealth.

The Department of Education and Training has received $9.915 million of additional appropriation, comprising $9.125 million for new grant funding associated with the digital education revolution national partnership for the non-government school sector, $0.096 million for trade training centres in schools national partnership, and $0.694 million for early childhood education and care national partnership.

Section 16B of the act—rollover of undispersed appropriation—allows appropriations to be preserved from one financial year to the next, as outlined in instruments signed by me. This package includes one instrument signed under section 16B. The section 16B instrument included in this package allows for the rollover of the unspent component of the DET commonwealth grant funding outlined above, which was received too late in the 2008-09 financial year to enable the use or on-passage of the funding as stipulated by agreement with the commonwealth. The instrument comprises rollovers of commonwealth grant related appropriation of $0.096 million for trade training centres in schools, $0.694 million for early childhood education and care and $1.749 million for the digital education revolution.

I commend the instruments to the Assembly.

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