Page 3142 - Week 08 - Thursday, 25 June 2009

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Capital Region Community Foundation, is one of the vehicles whereby people in the ACT community have started to recognise the work of the Public Trustee. It is a way of people coming to understand the other services, which include the preparation of wills and enduring powers of attorney, administering estates and looking after trusts. The Public Trustee also have responsibility for looking after the legal and property interests of people with disabilities where they are appointed as financial managers or financial guardians.

The Public Trustee, along with the Public Advocate, has been working for some time to increase awareness and take-up of enduring powers of attorney, which is an important issue, especially with an ageing population in that there may be more call on the officers of the Public Trustee to look after that. It does substantially good work, through a range of venues, of making its services available.

The establishment of GreaterGood community foundation has been quite well taken up and I compliment the officers of Justice and Community Safety for their active embracing of GreaterGood, and I encourage other workplaces, if they are looking for somewhere to make charitable donations, to consider making a contribution through the Public Trustee to the GreaterGood community foundation.

MS HUNTER (Ginninderra—Parliamentary Convenor, ACT Greens) (1.48 am): As Mrs Dunne has outlined, the Public Trustee is the first choice of trustee and related services in preparing wills and enduring powers of attorney and administering estates and trust management. It is also, obviously, the office that looks after the financial and property interests of people who may have a disability and who have appointed the office to be their financial manager or guardian, and it does a very good job in this area.

Just focusing on GreaterGood, the Capital Region Community Foundation, I met with this foundation some time ago. They are doing some great work around the ACT. I know that they work with young people and disadvantaged young people and are also looking at how they can set up a reference group of young people who can also play a role in the types of things that GreaterGood may end up financing or funding—some great moves and some great work that is going on there.

I also acknowledge the great work of the Public Trustee in establishing or promoting GreaterGood’s work to get workplaces on board to be regularly giving to that fund that then can go on and provide the necessary funding for some very important community projects out there that are needed in the ACT, particularly for vulnerable people. Of course, in a time of global financial crisis we are going to see more of those people who may well need to receive the sorts of programs or assistance that foundations like GreaterGood can provide. So the Greens are happy to be supporting the appropriation for the Public Trustee of the ACT.

Proposed expenditure agreed to.

Total appropriated to agencies—$2,204,033,000 (net cost of outputs), $993,442,000 (capital injection) and $489,676,000 (payments on behalf of the territory), totalling $3,687,151,000.

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