Page 3022 - Week 08 - Thursday, 25 June 2009
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Mr Seselja. It is not an easy job, obviously, to look after that committee. I also commend my colleague Mr Smyth for the excellent work that he did. His knowledge, background and experience really showed through in that regard. I also commend the crossbench members for the support they gave to that committee and the way that they negotiated the outcome. We will not always agree, but it is a very good report and I commend them for it.
As I turn to look at the bill itself, in the broad, and the Treasury aspects of it, it is useful to reflect back on what the government has said previously, when it has been in government and when it has been in opposition. The quotes that I am now going to read come from when the government was previously in opposition. This is a good one:
But what if so much hadn’t been thrown away in dubious schemes or the bizarre? Many millions of dollars could have been directed to more pressing needs.
What a wonderful quote from Mr Stanhope. And here is another good one:
We will not waste our children’s futures. We will not throw money away. We will not be irresponsible.
Well, in the context of what we see in this budget of the monumental spending, the appropriation that just keeps growing and growing in such difficult times, isn’t it a shame that we have—
Ms Gallagher: Where are we throwing money away, Mr Hanson?
MR HANSON: I can take you on a tour of Canberra’s artworks, if you like, Ms Gallagher.
Ms Gallagher: Oh, that’s throwing money away, is it? You tell the shadow minister for arts that.
MR HANSON: I think she made some very good points before about some of the roadside art.
Ms Gallagher: Funded in this budget?
MR HANSON: Indeed she did. The myth that the government put forward—and they are alluding to it there—is that somehow the opposition should be delivering an alternative budget. They say, “It’s opposition for opposition’s sake.” Do I get a bingo round there? Do I join your point scoring lead there? This is what they say all the time.
Ms Gallagher: This is the cliche king.
MR HANSON: Really?
Ms Gallagher: Yes.
MR HANSON: Is that my new nickname?
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