Page 2925 - Week 08 - Thursday, 25 June 2009

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That this Assembly refers the needs of ACT students with a disability to the Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs for inquiry and report to the Assembly by 10 December 2009, under the following terms of reference:

The Committee will review the existing educational services for students with a disability and propose recommendations, with particular reference to:

(1) community and parental experiences, satisfaction and attitudes;

(2) the Student Centred Appraisal of Need (SCAN) process and the model of allocation of resources to support students with a disability;

(3) provision of therapy services to support educational needs of students;

(4) post-school options, transitions and later year pathways for students with a disability;

(5) future special education provision for students with a disability, with a focus on:

(a) geographic and demographic needs; and

(b) the range of educational settings; and

(6) the findings of the Special Education Review, currently being conducted by Dr Shaddock and his review team into leading international and Australian practice in curriculum and pedagogy for students with disabilities.

MS BRESNAN (Brindabella) (10.22): I move the amendment circulated in my name:

Omit all words after “That this Assembly”, substitute:

“refers to the Standing Committee on Education, Training and Youth Affairs for inquiry and report the level of unmet need for educational services for all students with a disability in ACT government and non-government schools, with particular reference to:

(1) community and parental experiences, satisfaction and attitudes;

(2) educational outcomes;

(3) the findings of the Special Education Review into leading international and Australian practice in curriculum and pedagogy for students with disabilities;

(4) the provision of services, such as therapy and transport, to support educational needs of students;

(5) post-school options, transitions and later year pathways for students with a disability; and

(6) any other related matters.”.

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