Page 2415 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 17 June 2009
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wait for it—
in broad consultation with the community.
So it is a well-thought-out process, a well-thought-out policy, developed in broad consultation with the community. Fancy that! He said:
We will try not to make mistakes, and if we do, we’ll be open and honest about them.
They have certainly been very open about all the mistakes they have made, and they are very comfortable being held to account! He said:
… in working to achieve our aims we will be measured, responsible and open.
… there will be no hoopla in a Stanhope Labor Government.
There will be no gloss, or glitz.
There will be no beating of the breast.
Hasn’t the worm turned, Mr Speaker? It really has. I encourage you to read that document, because it is solid gold. It is full of pearls of wisdom from Mr Stanhope on how a government should behave—that we can all learn from.
I further went and had a look at a couple of websites from that time. I found Mr Corbell’s website. There is a fact sheet here, with lots of facts on Labor’s plan for good government for all, for their priorities. I seek leave to table that document.
MR SPEAKER: Is leave granted?
Ms Gallagher: No. We have got to stop this tabling. No, leave is not granted.
MR HANSON: All right; I will not table it. That is fine. I will just quote from it.
Ms Gallagher: Be serious here. I mean, for God’s sake, we are talking about Calvary, Jeremy.
Mr Seselja: That is ridiculous.
MR HANSON: Now, we are talking about—Mr Speaker—
Ms Gallagher: What is becoming ridiculous is you tabling constantly—Jeremy tabling constantly documents that are irrelevant to the matter that we are discussing now.
MR SPEAKER: Order, members! Order, Ms Gallagher! Ms Gallagher, Mr Hanson has the floor.
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