Page 2277 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 16 June 2009

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On 25 May, I received a letter from Mr Cormack, the CEO of ACT Health, implying certain things and making certain requests of me. I seek leave to table that letter.

Leave granted.

MR HANSON: I table the following document:

Letter to Mr Hanson from Mr Cormack, Chief Executive, ACT Health, dated 25 May 2009.

You will read from the tone of the letter that it is quite specific about what action he believes I should take—that is, I should withdraw the media release and take steps to clarify public statements. But, further, I am of the view that the letter certainly implies and intimates that, if I do not take certain actions that he prescribes, I may be subject to further action from him, including possible legal action. I have sought legal advice which has confirmed that opinion. This may or may not have been Mr Cormack’s intent, but it is certainly the result of his letter.

I responded to Mr Cormack on receipt of this letter in which I refuted his allegations. I advised him that I thought his letter was inappropriate and I asked that in future he direct his grievances through the minister. I seek leave to table my letter of response to Mr Cormack.

Leave granted.

MR HANSON: I table the following document:

Letter to Mr Cormack, Chief Executive, ACT Health, from Mr Hanson, dated 28 May 2009.

You will note that I cc’d the minister and the Speaker. As this matter arose from the estimates committee hearings, I also advised the chair of this situation in writing, and I seek leave to table that letter.

Leave granted.

MR HANSON: I table the following document:

Letter to Mr Seselja, Chair, Select Committee on Estimates 2009-2010, from Mr Hanson, dated 4 June 2009.

The matter was discussed at the estimates hearing on 9 June when the minister was recalled, and I refer members to the Hansard of Tuesday, 9 June to learn more from that debate. But it is worth noting that the CEO and the minister admitted that they had discussed the issue and agreed together that Mr Cormack should write to me.

By not pursuing this matter, I fear I would establish a precedent whereby public servants may be encouraged or believe it is appropriate to correspond with an MLA in such a manner. It may be of interest to members of the Assembly—it certainly was to

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