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Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Death of Ms Margaret Spalding OAM (Motion of condolence)

Personal explanation

Justice and Community Safety—Standing Committee

Standing and temporary orders—suspension

Financial Management Amendment Bill 2009

Exhibition Park Corporation Repeal Bill 2009

ACT Policing—investigative powers

Health—Wanniassa medical centre

Lowland native grassland investigation

Questions without notice:

Children—care and protection

Hospitals—dischargeable patients

Children—care and protection

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Planning—Deakin swimming pool

Alexander Maconochie Centre


Hospitals—dischargeable patients


ACT Public Service—recruitment

Health—general practitioners

Supplementary answers to questions without notice:

Hospitals—dischargeable patients

Alexander Maconochie Centre—services

Committee reports—government responses


Planning—subordinate legislation (Ministerial statement)

Economy—revenue base (Matter of public importance)


Relay for life

Harvest festival

Narrabundah community festival

Death of Ms Margaret Spalding OAM

Death of Mr Theo Moulis

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Personal explanation

Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill 2009

Building (Energy Efficient Hot Water Systems) Legislation Amendment

Bill 2009

Kippax family practice

Government Agencies (Campaign Advertising) Bill 2008

Campaign Advertising—Select Committee

Personal explanation

Questions without notice:

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Budget—community sector

Education—public system

Alexander Maconochie Centre


Children—care and protection

Children—care and protection

Planning—Deakin swimming pool

Education—excursion fees

Planning—unit titles


Supplementary answers to questions without notice:

Hospitals—dischargeable patients

Alexander Maconochie Centre

Personal explanation

Youth Week

Standing and temporary orders—suspension

Organised crime

ACT Policing—investigative powers

Environment—energy efficiency ratings

Budget 2009-2010


Legislative Assembly—powers

Greek Independence Day

Aged veterans community

Ms Katy Gallagher

Mr Andrew Barr

Legislative Assembly—legal advice

Mr Andrew Barr

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Amendment Bill 2009

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2009

Estimates 2009-10—Select Committee

Standing and temporary orders—amendments

Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety

Education, Training and Youth Affairs—Standing Committee

Roads and Public Places Amendment Bill 2009


Planning—subordinate legislation (Ministerial statement)

Ministerial arrangements

Speaker’s statement

Questions without notice:

Planning—Deakin swimming pool



Hospitals—Nurse-led walk-in centres




Planning—Woden master plan

Children—care and protection

Transport—light rail

Environment—green power

Supplementary answers to questions without notice:


Education—excursion fees

Education—public system



Financial Management Act—instruments


Children and young people (Ministerial statement)

Administration and Procedure—Standing Committee

Villages (Matter of public importance)

Advertising—Select Committee

Estimates 2009-2010—Select Committee

Planning—subordinate legislation (Ministerial statement)


Unit titles

Arts events


On the Move

Answers to questions:

Environment—energy efficiency ratings (Question No 33)

Education—literacy and numeracy (Question No 41)

Roads—resealing costs (Question No 56)

Public service—travel (Question No 73)

Schools—class sizes (Question No 78)

Schools—after school care (Question No 80)

Education and Training, Department—programs (Question No 85)

Narrabundah primary school (Question No 86)

Cemeteries and crematoria (Question No 88)

Environment—cigarette littering (Question No 90)

Housing ACT—facility management contract (Question No 99)

Director of Public Prosecutions—staffing levels (Question No 101)

Traffic offences—mobile phones (Question No 102)

Traffic offences—drink driving (Question No 103)

Environment—building sites (Question No 104)

Transport—wheelchair accessible vehicles (Question No 105)

Environment—urban forest (Question No 106)

Roads—disabled parking permits (Question No 107)

Tidbinbilla—community workshop (Question No 132)

Roads—secure truck parking (Question No 139)