Page 1393 - Week 04 - Thursday, 26 March 2009
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MR BARR: Madam Deputy Speaker, given the level of interjection from behind me and from those opposite I have obviously touched on a sensitive point. The level of sensitivity to these comments is clear. In closing, I again note the willingness of both the Liberals and the Greens to work with the government on the further development of planning regulations and I again thank members for their opposition to this disallowance motion.
Question resolved in the negative.
Climate Change, Environment and Water—Standing Committee
Statement by chair
MS HUNTER (Ginninderra—Parliamentary Convenor, ACT Greens): Pursuant to standing order 246A, I wish to make a statement on behalf of the Standing Committee on Climate Change, Environment and Water relating to a site visit to the Bruce campus of the Canberra Institute of Technology for the ACT greenhouse gas reduction targets inquiry by the committee.
The Standing Committee on Climate Change, Environment and Water visited the Bruce campus of the Canberra Institute of Technology on 18 March 2009, having been pleased to accept an invitation from the CIT chief executive, Dr Colin Adrian. The aim of the visit was to learn how the CIT is integrating sustainability principles into its operations and education and training programs, and to inform the committee’s inquiry into greenhouse gas reduction targets.
The CIT has a new diploma in ecology and environmental management and diploma of sustainability, which complement its existing courses in renewable energy. Training options are also being developed to provide plumbing apprentices with the skills to install solar hot water and photovoltaic systems. The CIT has strong links with industry. It is pursuing market opportunities flowing from the growth in green jobs, and from the need to up-skill the trade skills sector to work with new, more sustainable technologies. The committee discussed with the CIT the possible need for accrediting green tradespeople and for community education about quality assurance in sustainability improvements. This may be pursued further during the inquiry.
The committee also learnt about the CIT’s interaction with government agencies and other research institutions and the building of student pathways across organisations and work areas. Partnerships exist, for example, with Charles Sturt University, the University of Canberra, the Australian Federal Police, the CSIRO, New South Wales parks and wildlife, Ecowise, the ACT Department of Territory and Municipal Services, the ACT Department of Education and Training, Greening Australia, Landcare Australia, New South Wales Fisheries and the Industry Skills Council, amongst others.
The CIT is also developing relationships with its neighbours in Bruce to expand the opportunities open to its horticultural research and training. The committee also learnt how the CIT is incorporating sustainability into its daily operations. CIT Green has been established and is contributing to the implementation of the ACT government’s
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