Page 1257 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 25 March 2009

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When the Greens negotiated the parliamentary agreement with the government, much of the purpose was to embed greater accountability and transparency within government decision making. We believe that this agreement has produced outcomes with regard to increased accountability that the Liberal opposition would be pleased with. Therefore, the Greens will be seeking greater accountability and transparency from the 2009-10 budget, and we believe that the people of Canberra expect this also.

We expect to see in the budget package a detailed plan and solutions to manage this technical recession, and because it is elected government, the people of Canberra will know that it is essential that the government take its share of responsibility for the state of the ACT economy and develop solutions which will stimulate economic growth and protect jobs.

I would also like to put in here that the Greens are very strong on building a green economy within the ACT and that the global financial crisis has also provided opportunities for us to move in that direction. We see that there have been stimulus packages coming down which are increasing the businesses that are providing insulation and other sorts of energy efficiency measures into homes and also extending that into business. So we see that there is a great way to be looking at a way forward as far as diversifying the economy in the ACT. The Greens will be champions in advocating that over the term of this Assembly.

Mr Speaker, the Greens will not be supporting Mr Smyth’s motion in its current form as we feel it does not contribute any new information towards what has already been discussed in the Assembly with regard to the current financial situation of the ACT, nor does it bestow upon the residents of the ACT confidence that this Assembly is moving forward and providing solutions to this and other significant issues in a collaborative and effective manner.

I understand that Mr Stanhope has moved his amendment to this motion, so the Greens will be supporting the government’s amendment, as we cannot disagree with what is a series of factual points that detail information that has been widely and clearly distributed within the public domain.

I could repeat what I have said within this chamber on the Greens’ position regarding this current financial crisis. However, in the near future, the Assembly will debate a third appropriation bill, closely followed by the 2009-10 budget and, of course, undergo a scrutiny process of that budget through estimates. We feel it would be more appropriate and the best use of the Assembly’s time to focus on the process, that is, looking at a plan to ensure services and work are continued and ensuring there is a plan in the budget for how the government will tackle the deficit in future budgets.

MR SESELJA (Molonglo—Leader of the Opposition) (10.51): I thank Ms Hunter for her contribution. Mr Speaker, we will not be supporting the amendment moved by Mr Stanhope. There are a number of reasons for that, and I will go into why Mr Smyth’s motion is an important one.

Reading through Mr Smyth’s motion, it is difficult to find what it is that the Greens particularly and the Labor Party could disagree with. Clearly, there would be concern

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