Page 1239 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 24 March 2009

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was there. The “charny carny” has been going now for quite some considerable number of years and has grown in strength and the numbers of people that attend and the activities that are held during the whole day. It was a very warm day, which might have discouraged some people to come, but that was not the case. There were large numbers of people there, in particular large numbers of families enjoying the day. In fact, it was very difficult to find a car park when we arrived.

I would like to put on the record my thanks to the community groups that actually get together every year to put together this wonderful program, and I mention in particular Michael Pilbrow and all those people that help him as volunteers. I would like to thank the public and primary schools for the way they engaged in the “charny carny” and also, of course, the neighbourhood churches, the Belconnen Community Service, the Charnwood community health committee and the people that run the various food stalls. Emergency Services and the police always attend, much to the delight of the children, of course, and first aid workers also attend should there be an unfortunate incident where someone is injured or becomes sick at the carnival.

I was very impressed by the children’s artwork and the children’s school bands and jazz bands that were there. They always have a lot of fun competitions. Everyone is able to join in and it is a lovely family day. I would like to congratulate—

Mrs Dunne: It is a shame about the “charny idol”, though.

MS PORTER: Mrs Dunne may be bemoaning the demise of some of the competitions; I am not quite sure from that interjection. I know that they used to have a mullet competition. I think that that one might have disappeared. But there is certainly a lot of activity on the day and I was very, very pleased to be able to attend once again. I wish them well for their plans for next year.

Charnwood carnival

MR COE (Ginninderra) (4.35): Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending the “charny carny”—the Charnwood community carnival. The “charny carny” is a great example of what can be achieved when the community comes together in a spirit of cooperation and goodwill. The “charny carny”, as I am sure many members will be aware, came about because parents realised that by working together they could raise more money for their three groups—the Charnwood-Dunlop primary school, St Thomas Aquinas primary school and the Mount Rogers scout group. I acknowledge John Burke from the St Thomas Aquinas school and Frankie Dowling from the Charnwood-Dunlop primary school for their leadership.

The community has worked together to put on a great carnival that includes musical entertainment, market stalls, carnival rides, scouting activities, RAAF balloon rides and food stalls. By combining together to create this carnival, the community has been able to raise much more money than would otherwise be the case. Through raising this money the schools are able to invest more in their programs and facilities for all their students.

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