Page 1203 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 24 March 2009
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came out of the multicultural youth summit—as I say, guided by the Multicultural Youth Services—was that the MYS actually addressed the police recruiting college on this particular issue. It affected a change in the processes of training at the AFP police college.
I will find out for Ms Bresnan. I will be very interested to find out what may have been the case. We will see.
MR SPEAKER: Ms Bresnan, a supplementary question?
MS BRESNAN: Thank you, Mr Speaker. Given that the minister has stated there will not be any change in funding arrangements—
Mr Hargreaves: No, I didn’t say that.
MS BRESNAN: That is what I thought I heard you say. With respect to the suggested commitment of one-off funding, which is noted in the draft multicultural strategy, of about $100,000, is that funding which will go to the new service, which is in fact less than they get now, and how is it going to be determined what the needs will be?
MR HARGREAVES: I will need to get some information on the detail and bring it back to the Assembly. What is going through my mind, though, is whether or not we are talking about one-off funding—
Mr Seselja: That’s a scary statement!
MR HARGREAVES: Well, it would scare you, but you’re easily scared. Mr Speaker, it would not take very long to frighten him, either. You can do that in the blink of an eye. I would be interested to know whether the funding referred to in the document Ms Bresnan is talking about is project funding or whether it is ongoing core funding. That is the question that is going through my mind, and I will need to take some advice on that.
A couple of years ago we walked away from core funding because that was the way in which the rest of Australia was going. We also did not have particular faith in the way multicultural advocacy was being delivered in this city about three or four years ago. We went to project funding so that the amounts of money that the ACT was paying out for multicultural services had a determined outcome which was measurable and had deliverables attached to it. There was an open slather prior to that. I found it unacceptable that the ACT would be providing funding with no idea of where it was going and what it was going to be spent on. So we started putting the agenda out there, and project funding it.
Once the multicultural community had actually got its act together, there was always an intention on my part to see if we could return that responsibility to the sector, provided that they could outline to us exactly what outcomes they could achieve from what we wanted them to achieve. The multicultural strategy, which is out in draft form for consultation at the moment, is a conversation with the community, to tell us
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