Page 887 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 24 February 2009

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Disallowable Instrument DI2009-8 (LR, 9 February 2009).

Gene Technology (GM Crop Moratorium) Act—Gene Technology Advisory Council Appointment 2009 (No 1)—Disallowable Instrument DI2009-9 (LR, 9 February 2009).

Health Professionals Act—Health Professionals Amendment Regulation 2008 (No 1)—Subordinate Law SL2008-53 (LR, 22 December 2008).

Legislative Assembly Precincts Act—Legislative Assembly Precincts (Licence Fees) Determination 2009—Disallowable Instrument DI2009-10 (LR, 12 February 2009).

Occupational Health and Safety Act—Occupational Health and Safety (General) Amendment Regulation 2008 (No 1)—Subordinate Law SL2008-51 (LR, 22 December 2008).

Planning and Development Act—Planning and Development Amendment Regulation 2008 (No 5)—Subordinate Law SL2008-52 (LR, 22 December 2008).

Public Place Names Act—

Public Place Names (Bonner) Determination 2009 (No 1)—Disallowable Instrument DI2009-6 (LR, 3 February 2009).

Public Place Names (Casey) Determination 2009 (No 2)—Disallowable Instrument DI2009-14 (LR, 12 February 2009).

Public Place Names (Harrison) Determination 2009 (No 1)—Disallowable Instrument DI2009-4 (LR, 22 January 2009).

Road Transport (General) Act—Road Transport (General) (Australian Road Rules—Nightlink Taxis) Exemption 2009 (No 1)—Disallowable Instrument DI2009-7 (LR, 5 February 2009).

Territory-owned Corporations Act—Territory-owned Corporations Regulation 2008 (No 2)—Subordinate Law SL2008-49 (LR, 10 December 2008).

State of the ACT budget

Discussion of matter of public importance

MR SPEAKER: I have received letters from Ms Bresnan, Ms Burch, Mr Coe, Mr Doszpot, Mrs Dunne, Mr Hanson, Ms Hunter, Ms Le Couteur, Ms Porter, Mr Seselja and Mr Smyth proposing that matters of public importance be submitted to the Assembly. In accordance with standing order 79, I have determined that the matter proposed by Mr Hanson be submitted to the Assembly, namely:

The state of the ACT budget.

MR HANSON (Molonglo) (3.57): The world is facing an economic crisis that has brought into sharp focus the ability of all governments to manage their budgets. It is in this context that I am speaking today about the state of the ACT budget, because as we move forward in these uncertain economic times, this is a conversation that we need to have, and that we need to keep having.

It is particularly important here in the ACT, as we are such a small jurisdiction. As we hear of the vast amounts of money being spent on stimulus packages both here in

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