Page 1137 - Week 03 - Thursday, 26 February 2009

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I am pleased to be able to report back to the Hawker community that I have relayed their concerns to the Chief Minister and the Block is no longer for sale and a master plan will be developed in consultation with the community.

We can really take our hats off to Ms Porter for doing this. She has learnt from the Kevin Rudd, the Bob Carr, the Peter Beattie, the Steve Bracks song book: spin works when there is no substance. She was going down the same line on the radio this morning.

Mr Smyth: What did she say on the radio?

MR COE: She said some very good things. She said:

Some fortnight now I’ve been working on this issue with the Chief Minister and the CM and I have been trying to find a way forward on this and it’s just unfortunate that a way forward wasn’t found until Mrs Dunne put her motion on the notice paper.

So for two weeks a government backbencher and the Chief Minister could not find a way forward. They could not find a way forward, but Mrs Dunne could.

Then a local shopkeeper called up. Did he say, “Thank you, Mr Stanhope”? No. Did he say, Thank you, Ms Porter”? No. Did he say, “Thank you, Labor Party”? No. Did he say, “Thank you, Mrs Dunne”? Yes, he did.

Hawker shops

MS PORTER (Ginninderra) (5.30): I would like to thank Mr Coe for relaying his idea of what happened, given that he is neither me or Mrs Dunne. However, I would like to actually say that everything in that press release and everything I said on the radio in fact is true and I do work very hard for the people of Hawker. This is not a recent event that I have just suddenly decided to work on with the people of Hawker. In fact, you can find a catalogue of the changes that I have wrought in Hawker since I have been the member if you would care to look at it, including this one. My phone has actually been running hot since the motion that was passed yesterday.

Mr Seselja: We want all the names.

Mr Smyth: Yes, take all the names.

Mr Seselja: The names and addresses.

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Ms Le Couteur): Mr Seselja and Mr Smyth, please cease interjecting.

MS PORTER: My phone has been running hot since the press release yesterday with people congratulating me because they know of the hard work that I have been doing. I think that it is very gratifying to be on the receiving end of so many phone calls that I have had. There was even one just before I came down to the chamber now, and that

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