Page 1108 - Week 03 - Thursday, 26 February 2009

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He does require that I correct the record. My clear hearing, my clear recollection of what he said to me this morning was as I reported it, but I undertake to go back and check the record. I will gladly check the record to see if I misheard what the Attorney said. I will always check the record if I have made a mistake.

The procedure that I discussed with the Clerk’s office for dealing with this was a two-step procedure: we would have to deal with the bill that is currently before us and then introduce the second bill. That was one of two procedures we could adopt. To introduce it in two stages, to deal with the JACS bill and then introduce the validation bill, I needed a commitment to the suspension of standing orders because it would be necessary to delete the clauses in the JACS bill in relation to the validation; otherwise we would be debating them twice. I was assured that there would be no agreement to suspend standing orders so I thought that would be a futile path to go down. However, since the minister appeared to change his mind this morning about—

Mr Corbell: I have not changed my mind at all, Mrs Dunne. I have made that quite clear. That is a complete falsehood on your part.

MRS DUNNE: It appeared to me this morning that he had changed his mind and that he wanted at least to give us the opportunity of having a separate bill so I thought that I would rise to the opportunity. This is in the hands of the whole Assembly, not just the Attorney-General. If the whole Assembly does not want to suspend standing orders, well, we will go back to the course of action that we had all agreed on beforehand. The Attorney will then learn that he needs not to be free with his words and make accusations across the chamber.

Question resolved in the negative.

Schedule 1, part 1.8 agreed to.

Schedule 1, part 1.9.

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (3.43): The Liberal opposition opposes this part.

Schedule 1, part 1.9 agreed to.

Standing and temporary orders—suspension

MR RATTENBURY (Molonglo) (3.43): I move:

That so much of the standing and temporary orders be suspended as would prevent the Assembly rescinding its decision relating to Schedule 1, Parts 1.2 and 1.3 of the Bill, and for these parts to be reconsidered.

Just to explain, it seems that this morning there was an error in the amendments that I moved. They were misnumbered. During the lunch break the Clerk’s office pointed this out. The purpose of this motion is simply to allow us to go back and fix that up now and prevent any confusion down the line.

Question resolved in the affirmative, with the concurrence of an absolute majority.

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