Page 766 - Week 02 - Thursday, 12 February 2009
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And, of course, we have been getting on with the job of delivering on initiatives begun during the last term. We have begun work on the replacement of the Belconnen bus interchange; we have duplicated the Caswell Drive section of the GDE; we have begun the duplication of Tharwa Drive; we have recruited more frontline workers for care and protection; we have installed a CCTV system at Canberra stadium; we have reinstated the community engagement unit in the Chief Minister’s Department; we are starting a new community noticeboard, consolidating all kinds of relevant government notifications, starting in the Canberra Times this Saturday; and we have created better opportunities for the community to have input into the budget process, through a new budget consultation website.
I am pleased to have the opportunity to set out factually today just a few of the outcomes of work that the government has been engaged in on behalf of Canberra over the first 100 days of this Assembly, and each of us commits to working equally as hard and to produce similar outcomes over the next four years.
Alexander Maconochie Centre—services
MS BRESNAN: My question is to the Minister for Health and is in regard to the provision of services to the Alexander Maconochie Centre for non-government organisations. I have been made aware that community organisations with service agreements with ACT Health have had the delivery of services to the AMC added to their agreement without extra funds being provided. Can the minister advise the Assembly how the incorporation of these new requirements was negotiated with agencies and if it was a process that was entered into voluntarily.
Ms Gallagher: Can you just repeat the last bit of the question?
MS BRESNAN: The actual question or the content?
Ms Gallagher: The last couple of sentences.
MS BRESNAN: Can the minister advise the Assembly how the incorporation of these new requirements was negotiated with agencies and if it was a process that was entered into voluntarily.
MS GALLAGHER: I thank Ms Bresnan for the question. I will check up on that. I am not certain of the detail of those changes to contracts and whether or not those organisations are already providing services to the Belconnen Remand Centre or, in the case of Winnunga Nimmityjah, to Goulburn and whether that is just transferring a name change where they are already providing services to Alexander Maconochie when that changes. I will take the question on notice and get back to you with more detail.
Belconnen Remand Centre
MR DOSZPOT: My question is to the Minister for Corrections. Minister, can you confirm a recent report in the Canberra Times that the Chief Magistrate had directly intervened to broker minimum required conditions at the Belconnen Remand Centre?
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