Page 40 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 9 December 2008

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will at every opportunity hold the government to account. Third, I will be working with my fellow members of the opposition to provide quality policies that offer the people of Canberra an alternative government they can have confidence in.

In conclusion, I would like again to thank the people of Molonglo for entrusting me with the opportunity to serve as their representative. I also thank the Liberal Party members who selected me to represent our great party and those volunteers and staff who have worked so hard on the campaign. I congratulate Winnifred Rosser on the outstanding job she does as party president in the ACT, and I express my gratitude to those who stood as candidates and were unsuccessful. I especially congratulate Zed Seselja and Brendan Smyth on the great job that they are doing as the Liberal leadership team.

I would like to thank all of my friends and supporters who have contributed so much of their time and resources to my campaign. They include Greg and Margaret Cornwell, Dianne Anderson, Yvonne Symington, June O’Donnell, Virginia and Paul Berger, Natalie and Matt Colbert, Jo Giugni, Brent Hannah, Rochelle Hill, Amy Keenan-Dunn, Angela Michelson, John Sykes, Verity Hughes, Lance Reese, Karen Rush, Pam and John McAllister and David Toohey. It is great to see so many of them in the Assembly here today.

I would like to thank my family, who have been my closest supporters: my father Brian and my sons, Will and Robbie, and especially my mother, Wendy, who worked so hard through the campaign.

Finally, to my wife, Fleur: I love you very much. Thank you for supporting me in all that I do and for the sacrifices you have made over the years to allow me to follow this path. Thank you for your friendship and thank you for your love.



MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Attorney-General, Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water, Minister for Energy and Minister for Police and Emergency Services) (11.25): Congratulations, Madam Deputy Speaker, on your appointment to your role. I seek leave to move a motion to establish the general purpose standing committees of the Seventh Assembly.

Leave granted.



(1) The following general purpose standing committees be established and each committee to inquire into and report on matters referred to it by the Assembly or matters that are considered by the committee to be of concern to the community:

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