Page 22 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 9 December 2008

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The terms of the response will be recorded in Hansard.

Gas-fired power station

The response read as follows:

Response for tabling to petition lodged on 28 August 2008 by Mr Pratt MLA, in relation to DA 200704152, Tuggeranong District

The evaluation of a Preliminary Assessment (PA) and the assessment of a development application are the responsibility of the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) and due process needs to be followed.

The petition raises concerns that the magnitude of the social and environmental impacts of the proposed Canberra Technology City remains unknown. The very purpose of the PA process is to scope the extent of potential impacts and determine whether higher level environmental assessment is required. As a result of this process the applicant has been directed by the Minister for Environment to undertake a higher level of environmental assessment in the form of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the project.

The DA process will determine the suitability of the land for the proposed use after consideration of the requirements of the Territory Plan, relevant legislation, and the EIS evaluation. As part of its assessment, ACTPLA will also take into consideration submissions from the community. The assessment process is determined by the provisions of the Land (Planning & Environment) Act 1991 and it would be inappropriate to pre-empt the outcome of the DA assessment in the manner suggested by the petition.

It should also be pointed out that the preamble to the petition is factually incorrect – ActewAGL is not a Territory owned corporation.

By Mr Barr, Minister for Planning, dated 15 October 2008, in response to a petition lodged by Mr Mulcahy (Sixth Assembly) on 27 August 2008 concerning fencing at Griffith oval.

The terms of the response will be recorded in Hansard.

Griffith oval

The response read as follows:

Response for tabling of petition lodged on 27 August 2008 by Mr Mulcahy MLA, in relation to the planning application to fence Griffith Oval (No. 1)

On 6 February 2008 a development application (DA) to fence the Griffith Oval No. 1 with a 1.2 metre high ‘picket fence’ was lodged with the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA). The proposal included gated pedestrian and vehicle access points.

The lease of the oval is administered by the ACT Department of Territory and Municipal Services (Sport and Recreation) under an Executive lease.

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