Page 3225 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 19 August 2008

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That is a secret committee, Mrs Burke. That is a secret committee establishing a secret plan for the future of the health system, a macro health plan. And guess what? This is the corker. It says:

The Committee is currently assessing that plan and providing specialist advice.

It is like a sick patient already. The committee is having to assess the plan and provide specialist advice. There we go. We wait. We are absolutely beside ourselves waiting for Mrs Burke’s macro health plan for the ACT for the next 20 years. I look forward to seeing it, especially when you have publicly said that your macro health plan for the next 20 years will not have things such as brain labs, spaceships—we are pleased about no spaceships—or barn-style operating theatres. Get with it, Mrs Burke. These are the things you need in the next 20 years. Your plan is not going to have it. We wait with much excitement to find out from the secret committee the secret plan to address the health issues for the next 20 years.

I have to say that it must be in direct response. What do you do when someone tables a 10-year plan, a rigorous 10-year plan with all the details in it, all the funding in it? You sit there and you think, “What can we do about that? I know. We’ll have a macro plan for the next 20 years.” Well, we wait with much excitement.

Mr Stanhope: I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.

Answers to questions on notice

Question Nos 2003 and 2082

DR FOSKEY: Under standing order 118A, I seek an explanation from the Attorney-General as to why we have not yet had an answer to my question asked in April about the low-doc, no-doc loans and why we have not had an answer to question 2082 asked in June about enduring power of attorney.

MR CORBELL: Mr Speaker, in response to Dr Foskey’s question in relation to low-doc, no-doc loans, that question is a fairly detailed one and it is with my office now for finalisation. I apologise for the delay. In relation to the question about enduring power of attorney, I apologise for the delay. I think I did provide an explanation in the last sitting as to the reasons for that delay. I have now signed the answer to that question and it should be with Dr Foskey shortly.

Supplementary answer to question without notice

Planning—omission of retail restrictions

MR GENTLEMAN: Mr Speaker, during question time I received a question from Mr Mulcahy regarding correspondence to the planning and environment committee. I can advise that the committee received that correspondence on 29 July, and a response has been authorised. I will make sure that Mr Mulcahy’s office gets that response this afternoon.

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