Page 3171 - Week 08 - Thursday, 7 August 2008

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affairs of ACTEW. It would therefore be inappropriate for us to attend the ACTEW Board Meetings. As such, we have not attended any other meeting of the ACTEW Board during the period from 2004.

(3) ACTEW’s accountability and reporting requirements are outlined within the Territory-owned Corporations Act 1990 (TOC Act).

(4) ActewAGL informed me as Chief Minister of a proposal to develop an integrated gas-fired power station and data centre by correspondence from the ActewAGL CEO dated 9 May 2007.

As a Voting Shareholder of ACTEW, an initial briefing about the proposed Tuggeranong gas-fired power station was provided to me via ACTEW’s Board papers of 12 December 2007.

(5) The ACTEW Board discussed the gas-fired power station and data centre at its meeting of 12 December 2007. A note to this effect was included in the summary of significant matters discussed at the Board meeting provided to the Voting Shareholders by the ACTEW Managing Director in the December 2007 Board Papers. Cabinet was also briefed on the proposal by ActewAGL on 17 March 2008.

(6) The Voting Shareholders have not called for a risk-benefit analysis of the project. Depending on the level of ACTEW’s involvement with, and exposure to, the project, Voting Shareholders may seek advice from ACTEW as to the business case and the costs and benefits of the project. If the Development Application is approved, Government will finalise consideration of the application for a direct sale of the land. That deliberation would be informed by cost, risk and benefit analyses that will be required from the proponents.

(7) As noted above, the Voting Shareholders have not seen a risk-benefit analysis.

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