Page 3122 - Week 08 - Thursday, 7 August 2008

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(15) What recommendations under the Responding to Sexual Assault Report 2005 or the former draft Sexual Assault Response Project report has the Minister implemented and which recommendations have not been implemented and why;

(16) What has the Minister done specifically to address the issues in relation to the unacceptable current two hour training on sexual offences for recruits on sensitively dealing with victims, and crime scene preservation;

(17) How has the Minister ensured that victim’s rights to give evidence by closed circuit television are not compromised by prosecutors encouraging victims to give evidence in court;

(18) Has the ACT abolished committal hearings for victims of sexual assault crimes to structurally reduce the number of times they have to appear in court and to show greater sensitivity toward victims of child sexual assault as has occurred in other jurisdictions; if not, why not;

(19) Can the Minister provide the number of Protection Orders applied for by police to ensure victim care when bail conditions don’t apply to adequately protect the victim; if not, why not;

(20) What arrangements have the Director of Public Prosecution and Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team established to ensure a procedure is in place whereby constructive feedback can be provided at the conclusion of prosecutions;

(21) Do general duty police officers still investigate allegations of child sexual abuse as occurred historically; if not, how many additional officers have been employed in the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team and what specific training is provided to specialise in this area of policing;

(22) What training is provided to police officers to ensure appropriate understanding of childhood developmental needs when interviewing the witness/complainant of childhood crimes albeit sexual or physical abuse.

Mr Corbell: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) The ACT Policing Practical Guide to Child Abuse and Sexual Offences has been in place since December 2004. This instrument outlines the requirements and responsibilities for members of ACT Policing at both a patrol and an investigative level.

Investigations conducted by the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Team (SACAT) and ACT Policing members adhere to this guideline. Adherence is monitored by SACAT Team Leaders, and the managers of the ACT Policing Territory Investigations Group.

(2) The Practical Guide referred to at (1) above describes details of Police methodology. It would therefore be inappropriate to make this document widely available. However, ACT Policing has developed a number of Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) with external agencies integral to the protection of children. The Practical Guide reflects these MOUs.

Currently SACAT and other elements of ACT Policing have in place, or are developing, relevant MOUs with:

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