Page 2714 - Week 07 - Thursday, 3 July 2008

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I am pleased to advise that the government has also undertaken a review of the action plan to determine the effectiveness of the actions in supporting carers and provide a future direction to progress the principles underpinning the carers policy. In this regard, included in the 2006-07 progress report is the review that was undertaken by the Allen Consulting Group “Caring for carers review and future model” and the government response to that review.

In summary, the review confirmed that the caring for carers policy and principles remain relevant and there is clear support from the community for the direction the ACT government has taken in supporting carers. The action plan was found to have delivered positive outcomes for carers in the area of information, support and awareness raising. The ACT government supports the six recommendations made in the review and is in the process of considering the recommendations and the development of a new model to progress the principles and support carers in the ACT. We will develop this new model by the end of 2008.

We have come a long way since we introduced the policy and action plan to better support carers in our community. Carers will continue to be a high priority for us and we will maintain our commitment to acknowledge and support carers in the ACT and value the significant contribution they make to our community. Importantly, we will continue to work with carers to address, as best we can, the need that is still unmet. I commend to the Assembly the 2006-07 third and final progress report—“Caring for carers review and future model”—and the government response to the review.

Stanhope government—infrastructure projects

Discussion of matter of public importance

MR SPEAKER: I have received letters from Mrs Burke, Mrs Dunne, Dr Foskey, Ms MacDonald, Mr Seselja, Mr Smyth and Mr Stefaniak, proposing that matters of public importance be submitted to the Assembly. In accordance with standing order 79, I have determined that the matter proposed by Mrs Dunne be submitted to the Assembly, namely:

Performance of the Stanhope Government in delivering infrastructure projects.

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (3.30): The provision of infrastructure is essentially what governments are supposed to be doing for the most part, and what we have seen with the Stanhope government is a consolidated failure to deliver infrastructure for the people of the ACT. Despite the expansion of our city, especially out in Gungahlin and over the past seven years, and the thousands of jobs created in Canberra, the local government has failed to keep pace by building infrastructure to cope with this growth.

The population growth that we have seen did not arrive without warning. The thousands of new jobs were announced each year in commonwealth budgets, but the local government failed to plan for the extra demand on local infrastructure. Labor has let numerous infrastructure bottlenecks develop under their watch.

Since Labor came to office, the ACT government has received a cumulative windfall of revenue of at least $1,673 million more than they expected at budget time—

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