Page 2579 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 2 July 2008

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Clause 8.

DR FOSKEY (Molonglo) (12.03): I seek leave to move amendments Nos 8 and 9 circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.

DR FOSKEY: I move amendments Nos 8 and 9 circulated in my name together [see schedule 2 at page 2657].

Amendment No 8 is another simple amendment to ensure that there are standards set for any relevant connections and associated costs, as well as the proposed standards for the generators. Proposed new clause 8 (2A) is merely to ensure that renewable energy generators are not disadvantaged over standard contracts with distributors.

MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella) (12.04): Again this will fall under the national electricity rules. The government will not be supporting either of the amendments.

Amendments negatived.

MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella) (12.04): I move amendment No 5 circulated in my name [see schedule 1 at page 2652].

This amendment replaces clause 8 of the bill and provides a new clause 8A. The new clause 8 provides for the payment rates of electricity generated by occupiers referred to in clause 6.

Increasing the uptake of renewable energy electricity generation is a fundamental step for our community if we are to address the issue of climate change. Those wishing to invest in this technology at present have a high capital outlay which often can deter some people. The rates of pay outlined within this clause ensure that the payback period on the initial capital outlay will be approximately 10 years.

This clause provides a variable rate depending on the size of the generator, with generators not more than 10-kilowatt hours receiving 100 per cent of the premium rate or as otherwise determined by the minister under clause 9A; generators more than 10-kilowatt hours and not more than 30 kilowatt hours receiving 80 per cent of the premium rate or as otherwise determined by the minister under clause 9A; and generators more than 30-kilowatt hours receiving 75 per cent of the premium rate or as otherwise determined by the minister under clause 9A. New clause 8A provides that the minister may determine percentages by a disallowable instrument.

It is important that the minister has the ability to adjust either up or down the rates and percentages outlined within this clause. With technological development in the field of renewable energy moving ahead in leaps and bounds, the minister must have the flexibility to amend these rates to reflect the constant changes within the industry. This also allows the minister the flexibility to determine new percentages of the premium rate for any new renewable energy electricity generator.

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