Page 2065 - Week 06 - Thursday, 26 June 2008

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Territory—that we can deliver services at 122 per cent, well above the national average, whilst taxing and charging at only 105 per cent, essentially at the national average. That, of course, is the great achievement of this government.

We welcome the deserved accolades for delivering services at 122 per cent, above the national average, yet taxing and charging at only 105 per cent. That is a fantastic achievement, particularly having regard to the strength of our balance sheet, the modest, significant but nevertheless sustainable surpluses that we are delivering across the board, and the massive budget capital and infrastructure budget that we are in the process of debating.

This is a great credit to our capacity to manage efficiently and effectively. It is a great credit to fiscal management of this government that we have long-term, sustainable surpluses, a strong balance sheet, a massive record-breaking capital and infrastructure investment program, and that we have, in a whole area of policy areas, doubled expenditure on service delivery. Whether it be disability services, mental health services, health services broadly or emergency services and police, this government have, over the course of the last seven years, in a whole range of areas, more than doubled the expenditure from that which we inherited from the previous government.

The fact that we have done that whilst creating a balance sheet that is now the envy of the nation—at the same time announcing a billion dollar infrastructure investment program, and announcing and heralding the start of a 10-year billion dollar investment in health and a massive unheralded $400 million investment in health infrastructure—is a sign, Mr Mulcahy, of the extent to which we deliver services way above the national average, but efficiently and effectively.

Gas-fired power station

MRS BURKE: My question is to the Minister for Health. Minister, when were you first briefed about the potential health impact of the proposed Tuggeranong power station and data centre? What was that advice, and who provided that advice?

MS GALLAGHER: We have gone through this at estimates, and you can read the Hansard, because I think exactly the same questions were asked, and I answered all of them at the time. At the time, from memory, I said I was awaiting advice from ACT Health. In fact, I received some advice on 28 May, which crossed over the time that the revised proposal was announced. So I saw additional advice after that time.

Mr Seselja: Was the 28th the first?

MS GALLAGHER: The first written advice, but I have gone through the fact that we had discussions before that. If you are asking me about the first written advice—

Mrs Burke: No, the first advice.

Mr Seselja: Both.

MS GALLAGHER: In the sense of a conversation being advice, I have had conversations at my regular health briefings. But I have answered this. With regard to

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