Page 1892 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 25 June 2008

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… it is considered that TAMS should be advised that the cabinet submission should be deferred …

And that is a cabinet decision endorsing what Mr Corbell did back in August when he said, “There is a moratorium to 2010 on this block because we are planning to put a cemetery there.” It goes on to say:

… until you—

Chief Minister—

have determined which of the three sites is to be offered to ActewAGL.

What is the decision? What is the process? The Chief Minister will decide. The Chief Minister will write to ActewAGL. The Chief Minister will abandon the process. And that is why we are here today, and that is what the Chief Minister, in 33 minutes of babble, failed to address—his role and only his role.

It is interesting, when we go to the estimates process, there is the verballing and the overreaching voice of the Chief Minister. Mr Stanhope said when his department and he were recalled because they had lied to the estimates committee, they had shut it down, and they had had to go on the offensive—

Mr Stanhope: On a point of order, Mr Speaker.

MR SMYTH:—and try to retract—

MR SPEAKER: There is a point of order, Mr Smyth. Resume your seat, please.

Mr Stanhope: Mr Smyth has just alleged that I lied, that the estimates was recalled because I had lied to estimates. That is patently untrue, offensive, unparliamentary, and should be withdrawn.

MR SMYTH: Mr Speaker, I am simply repeating the words the Chief Minister used in his own speech. He said, “This is about me lying.” If I cannot repeat what he says, then I am happy to withdraw. But he put it on the table, not me. I seek your ruling.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Smyth is repeating the word that you used. If that is the case, then, Mr Stanhope, I will allow it.

Mr Stanhope: On the point of order, Mr Speaker: at no stage did I say, in anything I said, that estimates was recalled because I had lied. I said it has been alleged by the Leader of the Opposition that I have lied. But at no stage, as just alleged or claimed erroneously by Mr Smyth, did I suggest that the estimates had been recalled because I had lied to estimates. And that is not true. It is an offensive remark, it is unparliamentary and it should be withdrawn. I said no such thing. I certainly said that this motion of no confidence implicitly alleges that I lied, but then to actually extend that to a basis for actually recalling estimates is simply not true.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Smyth, did you want to raise something else?

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