Page 1786 - Week 05 - Thursday, 8 May 2008

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(b) the evidence required by section 23 of each person’s identity and age; and

(c) anything else prescribed by regulation.

(3) The registrar-general may require the applicants to give the registrar-general additional information or documents the registrar-general reasonably needs to decide the application.

(4) If a requirement under subsection (3) is not complied with, the registrar-general may refuse to consider the application further.

12Decision on application

(1) On application in accordance with section 11, the registrar general must—

(a) register the relationship as a civil partnership by making an endorsement to that effect on the application; or

(b) refuse to register the relationship as a civil partnership.

(2) The registrar-general must register the relationship as a civil partnership unless satisfied that 1 or both of the parties do not meet the eligibility criteria in section 7.

Note The registrar-general must enter particulars of a civil partnership in the register under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1997, pt 5A.


Division 2.4 heading

Page 8, line 1—

omit division 2.4 heading, substitute

Division 2.4Termination


Clause 14 (1)

Page 8, line 10—


If a party (or both parties) to a civil partnership wish


If a party to a civil partnership wishes, or both parties to a civil partnership wish,


Proposed new clause 14 (5) (ba)

Page 9, line 29—


(ba) the operation of the termination notice is stayed under subsection (6A); or


Proposed new clause 14 (6A)

Page 10, line 7—


(6A) If an application mentioned in subsection (6) has been made but not decided before the end of 12 months after the day the termination notice is given, the application stays the operation of the termination notice until the application is decided.

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