Page 1440 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 6 May 2008

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Appropriation Bill 2008-2009

MR STANHOPE (Ginninderra—Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Business and Economic Development, Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Minister for the Environment, Water and Climate Change, Minister for the Arts) (3.00): I present the Appropriation Bill 2008-2009 and the following papers:

Explanatory statement to the Bill.

Human Rights Act, pursuant to section 37—Compatibility statement, dated 6 May 2008.

Budget 2008-2009—Financial Management Act, pursuant to section 10—

Speech (Budget paper No. 1).

Ready for the future (Budget paper No. 2).

Budget overview (Budget paper No. 3).

Budget estimates (Budget paper No. 4).

Infrastructure statement (Budget paper No. 5).

Fact sheets.

CD—Budget 2008-2009.

Later this afternoon, I will be presenting statements of intent for territory authorities.

Title read by Clerk.


That this bill be agreed to in principle.

Ready for the Future

Mr Speaker, I take great pleasure in presenting the 2008-09 Budget.

This is a Budget that equips this community for the future—from a Government that is ready for that future.

A Government that is experienced, that is equipped to deliver. That has delivered and will continue to do so.

Budgets often deal with the year ahead—at most with the few years of an electoral cycle.

That’s not how this Government thinks. It is not how this Government acts.

Mr Speaker, the centrepiece of the Budget I present to the Assembly today is a billion-dollar infrastructure program—an investment in the physical nature of our city unmatched in our history.

An investment that will boost our communal asset base by more than 10 per cent.

An investment now that will ensure that this community is ready for the future.

Mr Speaker, we have long been a city of high standards and great expectations.

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